Since crack is smoked rather than snorted, it reaches the brain quickly and causes an intense high right away. Crack cocaine is white, tan, cream, or light brown.
Once it cools, it is broken up into smaller pieces and sold as crack cocaine. The mixture is then boiled until it becomes a solid substance. Crack cocaine is made by combining powdered cocaine with water and baking soda or another substance. The powdered form is simply referred to as cocaine or coke while the rock type is called crack cocaine or just crack. What is Crack Cocaine?Ĭocaine is a highly abused drug that’s derived from the coca plant and it’s available in both powder and rock forms.
In this article, we’ll discuss what crack cocaine is, why it’s so addictive and what happens during the crack detox process. You need to be in a facility staffed by medical professionals and addiction specialists who can provide the medication and psychological support you need to get clean and move on to the next stage of the recovery process. Because the symptoms associated with crack cocaine withdrawal are intense, it is not a good idea to try to detox at home. Long-term crack use leads to serious health problems but trying to quit can be very difficult.
If you or someone you love is addicted to crack cocaine and ready to quit, it’s important to enter a medically supervised crack detox program.